Sunday, June 08, 2008

T minus 6 months

We have a non-pregnancy announcement.

The DC branch of the Hotel Caudle will be closing in December. If you would like to visit Washington DC with no lodging expenses, you have 6 months. Thanksgiving is the cut-off.

We have extremely mixed feelings about this. Until a couple of weeks ago, we had been planning to stay here indefinitely after Adam graduates in December. We like the city and everything that's in the region (historic sites, billions of free museums, lots of parks and stuff for the kids, etc). We love our ward and have a lot of friends here. Adam's top choice for a career track (national security) would be best fulfilled here.

But ... it's not going to work - we flat out can't afford it. The kinds of jobs that Adam would get in that fun career track wouldn't even cover our living expenses, let alone adding the student loans on top of it. Even if we stayed in this cramped little apartment with only 2 kids, we'll never make any headway getting out of debt. We'd like to get out of debt sooner rather than later or even never. So we have to leave. We know it will be best for our family but it's still extremely difficult.

We have aaaaalmost decided where we'll move but are looking around to see if any other options pop up before we commit. But either way, we'll have to be on the road at Christmas to get to where we need to be by the first of January so Adam can start his bar review course for whatever state we end up in. So you have until Thanksgiving if you'd like to come visit DC.

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