Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Did Emily ever get responses to her question about preparing for the temple? Is she still excepting answers? Has ANYONE gotten a hand-written letter from Clarissa? I am starting to wonder why I write these long exciting letters and send them off into a black hole where they are neither answered or even acknowledged. Eric, did you receive the temple slip in the mail? Jared, did Brooke get her blanket? Trina - I am now working on Summer's blanket... just so you don't feel like I've forgotten her. I have all the yarn for all of the blankets... I just have to get them made. I haven't had TIME to work on them in quite awhile. Hopefully I'll get a lot done over Spring Break.

Emily, I have one thing to say... and it's something that President Hinckley said a lot, "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, and don't mess with mr. inbetween."

Mindy- have you heard back about when you are going to BYU-I yet?

I like to read Nate'n'Manda'n'Mushy's blogs and also Jared's blogs (my favorite is the bedtime story blog.)

Mom- how are you feeling? I hope that you are getting better.
Dad - any tidbits of useless information?

Love you all


Eric said...

Yes! I got the slip a few days ago. Thanks!

Captain said...

United States Camel Corps (1855 - abt 1863)

As a sidenote, some of the camels were simply released to wander in the deserts. In the mid-1870s one wandered into Fort Selden, New Mexico Territory. The young son of the post commander saw it and ran, terrified, to hide behind his mother. The post commandant was COL Arthur MacArthur. The terrified child grew up to be General of the Army Douglas MacArthur.

treen said...

Wow, Dad. That really is useless information.

Captain said...


Doulas MacArthur (1880 - 1964) was born Jan 26, 1880 in Little Rock, Arkansas

In 1922 MacArthur was sent to the Philippines where he commanded the newly established Military District of Manila. At the age of forty-three MacArthur became the army's youngest general and in 1928 was appointed president of the American Olympic Committee.

Mindy Sebastian said...

Yes, Tawnia, I did hear back from BYU-Idaho.