Friday, March 21, 2008


You know, we all have moments when in that "Napoleon Dynamite" voice we want to say to ourselves, "IDIOT!" Yeah, I just had one of those moments. I got a package all ready and mailed it off to Clarissa today. It had some Easter candy, some bookmarks, a puzzle letter and a CD. It was a great package. So then today I came home from dying Easter eggs at my friend Sarah's and sat down at the computer and my computer was reading a CD. I thought, "hmmm... I wonder what CD is in there." So I opened the disc drive and lo and behold it was the CD that was supposed to be in the package on its way to Florida. When I realized I yelled, "Noooooooooooo!"

So then I decided to post about it. My friend Tiffany called while I was in the middle of writing the post and I told her about it. We had a good laugh. And then I came up with a marvelous idea. It's almost April Fool's Day... and that is probably about the time Clarissa will get the package. It's perfect! I'll send another package explaining everything to Cris and, of course, including the CD in a different case.

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