Saturday, March 15, 2008

Go Georgetown!

Yesterday, Adam was watching the Georgetown basketball game on the internet (conference championships to decide who goes to the NCAA finals) and taught Summer how to say "Go Georgetown!" She does it pretty well - she doesn't quite get the R, but the rest of it is clear. Later, Adam was watching TV and channel surfing, and came across another basketball game. We paused to see who was playing (Georgia Tech and Duke), and Summer immediately started yelling "Go Georgetown!!" over and over. I tried it again earlier today - turned on the TV to watch some basketball and yep, Summer started yelling "Go Georgetown!" as soon as she saw it was basketball. The Georgetown championship game is on right now and we're watching it on the internet again (not sure why this one isn't on regular TV because it's the Big East final - only ESPN), and Georgetown is down by 1 against Pittsburgh with 5 minutes to go in the first half. The 2 teams are switching back and forth on the lead right now, shot for shot. Summer and Rosemary are both watching the game with Adam - yes, actually looking at it.

Adam had his moot court tournament this weekend - he and his partner had a round Thursday afternoon, another Friday afternoon, and a 3rd this morning. They won 2 and lost 1. The one they lost was by less than 1 point, so they made it into the elimination rounds. They debated 2 more times this afternoon, and got to the final 8. Of those, 4 go to Nationals in Chicago - Adam did not make the final 4. So he's done with moot court completely. Since he's graduating in December, he will not be on the team for next year so he doesn't have to go to any of the final meetings this semester to plan for next year. It was a good experience, and now it's time to move on and focus on other things. And man alive, he's certainly not hurting for things to do.


Captain said...

Who win the game???

Eric said...

I think you mean the NCAA tournament.

tawngap said...

not being able to pronounce an /r/ is normal at her age. And isn't it funny how kids over expand their new vocabulary at times. Yeah, I am learning all about this in one of my classes right now. I won't get into all that though.

treen said...

Georgetown lost to Pittsburgh by 8, I think. They imploded in the 2nd half. The star star center fouled out, and the rest of their starters were at 4 fouls each with 7 or 8 minutes to go. We didn't even watch the end.

Georgetown is still in the NCAA tournament though, because they had a stellar season.