Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I'm Baa--aack

Hello my favorite family!

I am alive and doing... better. I can't say well, because I still have moments of vertigo and feeling like I'm going to puke (nausea, naseau, naseua... whatever.) I actually drove myself to FHE last night so that was a big deal.

So... let's see... in the last two weeks I have spent a lot of time reading, watching movies, working on Allison's Christmas present and sleeping. That's about it.

Now that I'm back to feeling healthier I have to get ready for both work and my classes to start. Work starts August 16th (school starts Aug 21st) and my classes start August 27th. So I'll be extremely busy by the end of this month. My biggest issue right now is trying to figure out the best way to earn enough money to survive. It should be interesting.

Well... I think my laundry should be dry by now so I need to run.


Skippy said...

Welcome baaa--aack. I am so glad to hear that you're feeling better. I hope that the vertigo goes away completely soon. Sometimes when daddy throws me into the air I feel a little sick, so I puke on his foot. Then I feel better.


Anonymous said...

Your first spelling of nausea was correct.