Monday, March 05, 2007

My weekend

Last weekend, there was a young single adult conference here. It was pretty fun. I had to hurry to get done with my homework before heading off to play; I had an essay I needed to write on Friday. Anyway, the conference started out with a concert with The Standards. They're pretty good, an a capella group, five brothers. It was a lot of fun. Then on Saturday morning, there were service projects. I helped move books out of the middle school basement and then joined a group doing landscaping work -- pulling weeds, moving rocks, that sort of thing. We went back to campus for pizza and root beer. Then there were speakers who talked about the theme of the conference -- Come and See. Most of them were good talks (but I almost fell asleep during one). Elder Larsen of the Seventy was our final speaker, and he talked about when he had visited China. It was interesting. In the evening, there was a dance. I had fun; I danced with four or five guys. I stayed there for about two hours, but then I got tired and headed out. I was still the first of my housemates to get to bed, and I didn't turn out the lights until midnight.

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