Saturday, January 06, 2007

Balki ... LIVE!!

I'm sure at least most of you remember the 80s sitcom "Perfect Strangers," with Larry Appleton and Balki. Well, this evening, Adam and I went to a "staged reading" of the Shakespeare play "Twelfth Night" at the Kennedy Center, put on by the DC Shakespeare Theater Company (which is supposed to be one of the best in the country). A staged reading is that the actors all have their scripts in their hands to actually read them, and there is no set or costume. But there is definitely acting. The character of Malvolio was played by Bronson Pinchot, who was Balki. It was hilarious, and Pinchot was fantastic. Adam says that he's never laughed so hard at a play before. During the intermission, I was sitting there saying, "That's Balki!!" and Adam had no idea what I was talking about. Usually we completely forget about our age gap, and then it sometimes shows up over the weirdest things.

Just thought I'd share.


Skippy said...

I remember Balki and I am not much older than Adam

tawngap said...

I think that's awesome. Balki was always one of my favorite characters