Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our Mission


I think Eric misread Trina's intention. I didn't feel like she was suggesting that our children make the plans and decisions for us. We've been rather negligent in discussing our plans with you, but we have been talking about them. We need to look into the financial end of things and see what is required. As I told Trina on the phone we should be OK financially as long as there is still Social Security and PERS. Our house will be paid off sometime in 2012 so we won't have those payments anymore. But if you want to set money aside, just in case we need it, that would be wonderful. We also appreciate the idea of a fast. We were discussing some of our options as to what when and where and decided we need to pray more about it. We have our own ideas of what we would like but is that what Heavenly Father wants us to do?

Thanks so much for your love and support,

1 comment:

Eric said...

OK. I probably just read too quickly and jumped to conclusions.