Friday, January 07, 2011

reunion update

The deposit has been sent for the lodge in Nauvoo for the family reunion. We're in motion! A couple of notes:

The dates have been slightly adjusted because one of the days we wanted was not available. (And yes, I called before noon on New Year's Day. Someone else beat me to it.) Instead of Fri-Tues, we are Sat-Wed. in Nauvoo.

Check in: 3 pm Saturday July 30, 2011.
Check out: 11 am Wednesday August 3, 2011.
Nauvoo Log Cabins, Weary Traveler lodge

Please note that Sat. July 30 is the LAST day of the Nauvoo Pageant and all the accompanying presentations. Here's the list of what and when.  The sooner you can get to Nauvoo on the 30th, the better.

At this time, the reservation is just for the lodge and NOT for an extra smaller cabin. This is factoring in that Nathan, Mindy, and Clarissa and their families are not planning to attend. If anything changes with anyone's plans (either to attend or to cancel), the money numbers will need to be adjusted accordingly so please let Dad know as soon as possible. If anyone else adds, we will probably need to get the extra cabin because we're over the numbers on the lodge as it is. It has beds for 13 people - right now, the headcount is 10 adults and 8 kids.

We were able to pay cash for the entire deposit. If you have NOT already paid in full, which is most of us, may I suggest that sending Dad a little bit at a time over the next few months so you're not hit with the full amount in July. We are required to give the full amount of money in cash (not credit cards) when we check IN to the lodge, NOT when we check out like at a regular hotel. Also, please keep in mind that we have not figured out food expenses yet. A little more will be needed for that.

Any questions?

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