Tuesday, January 11, 2011

FHE from Tawnia

FHE for Mom and Dad was slightly different from what I did for Emily.

Song: I made Emily a CD of "Happy Songs" with everything from the techno version of Winnie the Pooh to Viva La Vida by Cold Play. So, not neccesarily religous stuff. For Mom and Dad, the first half of their CD had some different versions of hymns that I had on my computer.

Lesson: For Emily, I downloaded some BYU devotionals and then told her where to find more on-line. There are free podcasts of current and past BYU devotionals. For Mom and Dad, I downloaded some talks from the October General Conference.

Activity: For both Emily, and Mom and Dad, I created a year long picture scavenger hunt for them to complete. There is basically one picture per week, but they could do more in one week and then skip another week if they wanted.

Refreshments: I got chocolate for Emily and a gift card to the Olive Garden for Mom and Dad.

So.... if you would like me to send you a copy of the scavenger hunts (they are slightly different) just send me an e-mail and I'll send one out to you.

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