Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas review

To make sure everyone remembers their Christmas exchange stuff, the info is HERE. And to make sure I know who is where, so I know where to make sure the memory letters go, here's what I know of:

OREGON: Dad, Mom, Eric, Laurel, Stevie, Allie, Tawnia, Emily, Nathan, Amanda, Joshy, Uncle Gary, Aunt Karen.

DC: Trina, Adam, Summer, Marnie

TEXAS: Jared, Michelle, Brooke, Bryan, Emma

CANADA: Mindy (and Aaron)

FLORIDA: Clarissa

Did I get that right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All those people are going to be up at Mom and Dad's? Wow, that's going to be crowded. But hey, it'll cut down on my mailing costs if everything is going to one address.