Monday, November 10, 2008

Stevie calls me "Goofy"

A few days ago Stevie decided to start calling me Goofy and calling himself Mickey Mouse. (Allie is "Daisy" and Laurel got left out of this for some reason.) So now I get to hear "Goofy, I want some candy" or "Goofy, I want chocolate milk." If I'm not in the room, I hear him ask Laurel "Where's Goofy?" The best part though is when he starts talking in a high squeaky Mickey Mouse voice, which is even funnier than his robot voice from last week.


Mindy Sebastian said...

This is why we have video cameras, Eric! I want to hear this stuff!

Eric said...

And I describe them because Stevie doesn't perform on command...

Eric said...

Oh! I have an idea! Come home for Thanksgiving!

Mindy Sebastian said...

I can't. Tawnia would shoot me.

tawngap said...

Why would I shoot you? If you want to go home for Thanksgiving I'll ask when you're leaving and hitch a ride with you... I just have to be back for work the following Monday.