Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mindy's classes

Doctrines of the Gospel - an excellent class, touching on the main points of the gospel. My teacher has us read a lot of articles along with reading the manual. Our tests are all open book, as all of his questions are directly out of the chapters or specified sections in the scriptures. Some can be a bit tricky, and force us to read things very carefully to help us understand things better. I got 100% on the first two. This week we've been talking about the Atonement and it has been amazing. If anyone can get on Gospelink or find the book called "Broken Heart" by Bruce Hafen, the article (or chapter?) there is called "The Atonement is not just for Sinners." It is excellent.

Social Dance - We've learned the foxtrot and swing, and this week we start cha-cha and waltz. It doesn't help me to know all the steps if I don't have a guy leading me who knows them to, so I look forward to being able to teach Aaron some of this stuff. For the end of the semester, I have to know the names of all 30 guys in my class .. which I did by the third week. It's a fun class with no stress.

Design and Color - this is probably my favorite class, so far. My teacher is always very impressed with my work. He gets to put favorite examples of work from each assignment, and mine has been out there every time so far (twice, woohoo). I did post one of my assignments up on my website, but I haven't had the chance to photograph any of my others yet. We just started painting this week, but we're just doing value scales, so nothing to show off there. I'm learning though, and having a lot of fun.

Old Testament - We started in Abraham, but now we're up to Genesis 24 or so. We talked about Isaac yesterday, and Rebekah. There aren't as many assignments due in class for this one (although I did get an A on the one paper we had to write), but there's a lot of studying we're supposed to do on our own. Lots of scripture reading, of course. And, instead of taking the final, we can do a "scholarly project" throughout the semester. I'm finding Ensign articles on the topics we are studying, and reading those to gain more insight. I look forward to getting a copy of the Ensign every month (once I'm settled down enough to actually get a subscription). Oh! That's what I should get Aaron for Christmas! HAHA!

Graphic Design - This is my most demanding class. I've gotten B's on both of my assignments thus far, but I'm actually okay with that. I'm going to rework my first one, and hopefully get a bit better (instead of an 82), but considering how many C's he says he gives out, I'm happy with the B. The teacher is very intense, but he's very real and practical. This week we're starting our logo project - a reptile themed exhibit (of our choosing), that we're creating a logo for. I'm thinking of doing a reptilian art exhibit, but that might change. I'm learning a lot, and surviving this class might determine if graphic design is really what I want to do (along with taking illustration classes).

Art History - besides a little bit of outside studying, this is one of my least involved classes. Sit, listen to the lecture, take notes, and focus on remembering what pieces go with which period. Our grades are entirely based on our tests - and I got 100% on the first one, and just got a 92% on the second (that we took yesterday). He said that the second test was usually the hardest, so I'm not worried. Besides, we take 5 tests and get to drop the lowest score (or not take one), so I'm good to go.

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