Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Memory Exchange

I vote a big YES on the memory exchange for Christmas this year. Whether it is specifically of Christmas memories or not (I vote not), I'm ALL about hearing from everyone! I also think it'd be nice to gift exchange, with the name drawings. I like the idea of using the memory theme along with that too. If Trina wants to do the official name drawing, then that's cool by me. So you know, Trina and everyone else, I'll be up in Canada for the holidays, and the few months after. It's my break from school, and that way I can just drive ONE direction during the winter, instead of home and then north. I'll be living with Aaron's mom, and working closely with her on the book I'm illustrating (since she's the author and publisher). I found out that I might be able to use that as some internship credits for school too!

In other news, I'm doing well. My classes keep me busy with lots of homework, but I'm enjoying it. Design and Color is probably my favorite class, although Social Dance is entertaining as well and has a lot less homework (none!). I've done well on all my assignments thus far, and the B that I got on my Graphic Design project can be redone as many times as it takes until I get an A. (The teacher is more focused on actually getting us to LEARN than the grades.) When I'm not in class, I'm usually doing homework, or working at Payless. Occasionally I find time to sleep, and make late night runs to Dairy Queen with my roommates. (If you haven't tried their pumpkin cheesecake blizzard you REALLY should!)


Skippy said...

I heard that you might be in Canada. That's too bad that it's during the holidays. Do Canadians even celebrate the holidays? It's cool that you will be drawing and getting experience there even if you don't get to celebrate anything.

Mindy Sebastian said...

Actually, Candians have a second holiday of "Boxing Day." So after we don't get all the presents we want, we go hit people. You would have loved this day when you were younger!

Skippy said...

Younger? I'd love it now.