Sunday, April 06, 2008

We're here!

We're here. The weekend is ending. The move is done. For the most part.

Of course, now we're moving in, but yesterday was the day we loaded up the moving truck, drove up here, and unloaded the truck. It was a very long day. But we're here to stay now.

We managed to listen to this morning's session and to some of this afternoon's. We both enjoyed Elder Ballard's talk about young mothers. I think we're going to go over that one again in an FHE soon.

Now we need to look at something funny on the Internet before we go to bed.

1 comment:

treen said...

Hooray for the truck part of the move being done! I hope you had lots of help from the ward at both ends of the drive. Don't forget to email out the new address so we can send you "welcome to your new home and congratulations on the new job" cards!