Sunday, April 06, 2008


Summer is becoming quite the copycat. Yesterday, we were at a church building to watch the Saturday morning session of General Conference. During the closing prayer, she was walking around in the foyer with her arms folded. A guy was also in the hall and stretched his arms straight above his head. She did it too.

She copies us by "helping" her doll do things the way that we help Rosemary - we move Rosemary's arms for action songs like The Wheels on the Bus, and Summer does the same with the doll. Summer also helps her doll fold her arms for prayer. When I'm nursing Rosemary, Summer occasionally will lift her shirt and put the doll against her chest. It's pretty amusing.

Summer has started carefully watching a couple of the dance production numbers on Mary Poppins, and copies them as closely as she can (which isn't very close at all, but still). She especially tries to do the number where Bert is dancing with the penguins in the Jolly Holiday sequence. I can't describe it any further than that and I don't know that a video would do it justice because you have to see what the movie is doing to understand her movements. But it's hilarious to watch. The first time I saw her do it, I was watching her from behind and I had to work very hard to not laugh out loud. I was worried that if I did, she would stop. Now she looks to make sure I'm watching when she does it.

1 comment:

Eric said...

That's cute. Stevie does that too. He was just saying everything his baseball toy says. He just looked at me and said very excitedly: "I got a single!"

Stevie and Allie also love to make each other laugh. I should upload the video I shot today of them making each other laugh.