Monday, April 14, 2008

new calling

Adam was sustained yesterday to be the ward mission leader in our ward. He's got his work cut out for him because we haven't had a convert baptism in about 2 years. He had a stake meeting last night with the other WMLs in the stake, the stake president, and the mission president. The mission president said that the number of missionaries Church-wide is about to take a nosedive so we're going to lose a large number from our mission. There won't be enough companionships for every ward to be its own mission area, so the work will have to justify it. So if a ward wants their own missionaries, they'd better get the work moving.

Every member of the bishopric told Adam directly that they were so excited that he's in this calling now, and the Lord was VERY clear about this assignment. When the bishop extended the call, he actually came to our house and talked with Adam and then with us both. So he's apparently treating this as a Very Big Deal. Adam has a meeting with the bishop tomorrow to go over the ward mission plan and map out the ward goals for the year - we'll see how this goes.

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