Thursday, July 12, 2007


Sorry, family, but I am shocked at the amount of mis-quoting that has been going on in our home. The infamous "Super Funny" quote of "What's my line .... SURE!" Is wrong! The "sure" part is correct, but it wasn't "what's my line?" Mindy actually says, "Then what do I say?" The funny part is, I actually remember knowing what the line was, I was just nervous and didn't want to say it wrong, because it was probably my first "line" in a movie we had made.

To go along with that, I was watching some footage of my third birthday (since Dad is currently working on the mid 1980's movies), which was when I had the marshmellow elephants on my cake. Somewhere during the clip, Mom mentioned that I had to have one specific corner of the cake, because that's where I had been picking at it earlier in the day. And I remember that too! I have a mental picture of me looking up at the counter next to the refrigerator, where the cake was, and picking at the pink frosting where it sat on the yellow plastic cake-plate thing. Hooray for old family movies to bring back strange memories.

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