Sunday, May 27, 2007

Serving a mission

I typed up a great comment right after Clarissa posted about serving a mission, but then it didn't post and I couldn't get it back. I didn't have time then to rewrite it (I really didn't have time to write it in the first place) so I'll try to paraphrase it, with a few adjustments considering what comments have been made since.

I think it's great Clarissa wants to serve a mission. It's not easy, but it's a great experience. My advice is similar to what others have said: prepare yourself and save your money. I think this preparation time can be a great experience as well.

I'm glad to hear you're active in your ward and participating in the temple pageant Clarissa. You're creating great memories and learning and growing all the time, and that's what life's about. Let me know (and you can call or email too) if you have any questions about my mission in particular. I'm always up for talking about it.

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