Sunday, May 06, 2007

I'm moving!

So after my job interview, I had to wait until Tuesday to hear back. I was really hoping to finally have a decent full-time job here in Utah, but it was not to be. They chose someone else, and I was sad. Dad happened to call that day to let me know about some mail I had, but he also mentioned a couple of job openings in the school district over there. I said I would think about it. I went into Tawnia's room to chat about it, and just didn't know what to do. We ended up ditching dance class, and going to the ward temple night. Since then, I've decided to move back to Oregon. I'm going to apply for those jobs Dad talked about, but even if I don't get them, I'm supposed to be back in Lafayette. I do feel bad about leaving Tawnia here, and having to find a new roommate, but it's time for me to go, and she's a big girl. She was planning a trip for the end of this month anyway, to go see Joshua, so I'll be going with! I'm not sure if I'll just stay in Oregon then, or come back to Utah for the month of June, since our dance recital is on the 25th. I guess it depends on if I get that job, and when I need to start. It'll all get figured out somehow.

EDIT: And I just added Brooke's finished picture on my page.

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