Friday, April 09, 2004

We are the Champions!

Hi everybody!

Just to let you know, the Tustin 2nd Ward is the winner of the Orange California Stake Elder's basketball tournament. I coached the team this year (I even bought one of those clipboards with a diagram of the court on it and wore a jacket and tie to all the games) and we won the final last night! Our overall record was 5-2, and we beat the two teams we lost to in the playoffs. Tuesday's semi-final was a heart-pounder, we won by one point off a basket from a steal made with 5 seconds left in the game. It was pretty amazing.

So last night we actually had a good crowd there to cheer us on (there were some games when Laurel was the only one there cheering) and we beat them by eight points, or something like that. They kind of gave up at the end when three of their six players fouled out.

Just thought I'd let you know.


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