Saturday, April 03, 2004

Howdy y'all

That was to make it obvious that I'm posting from Texas. This is Jared. I guess I haven't posted in a while, so here's my latest update. I've been working at Fry's Electronics just over a month now, and I requested a transfer to a different store, but that hasn't gone through the process yet. I've been told someone in the corporate office is on vacation. When it does happen I'll be working in Irving, about ten minutes from DeVry, where I still go to school. My plan is to finish all my classes December 18 and then never go to school again. Full time work plus full time school makes for very little time at home. Michelle and the kids have their tickets to Oregon now for both weddings, but I'm going to wait until the end of May to buy mine. Since I'm trying to get a store transfer and then hopefully a department transfer once I get there, I have no idea what kind of work schedule I'm going to have and what kind of time off I'll be able to get. So don't bother asking when I'll be there; the absolute best answer is I have no idea. Wait and see. Anyway, Michelle and the kids are doing pretty good. Mainly they're just frustrated that I'm never ever home, and frankly I am too. I'm gone literally all day long at least three days a week, and gone most of the day the rest of the time. Having hours of commuting doesn't help anything. All this should get alot better after I'm transferred. (Can you tell I really want to get transferred?) I guess that's all.
love Jared

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