Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Better Weather

In Trina's email she said that she hoped that everyone's weather was better than hers. Yesterday, I would have said yes, mine probably is. The sky was mildly overcast, a little breezy, chilly, but still nice enough to be outdoors with just a sweatshirt. And then this morning I woke up to 3 inches of snow, and still falling. Calgary is funny like that. I was expecting at least one more snowfall before summer, if not two, and then flurries and mixed rain a few more times besides that. But when there isn't snow, it's quite beautiful. From one day to the next, or just in the span of a lunchtime, the weather can change dramatically. For the most part though, it has been sunny and beautiful.. now it's just super white to boot!

the Aimotos

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