Friday, February 19, 2010

question list

Mayo vs. Miracle Whip: I'm obviously in the minority that I kinda like Miracle Whip on sandwiches. Not that I've had it for years because Adam hates all mayo-based products except in certain cases (potato salad and tunafish, but that's about it) so we never buy it ... but I don't have yucky memories of Miracle Whip.

Favorite color: purple, and I don't really have a "why" to it. It just is. I wear it quite a bit, and it's the main color in the quilt on my bed. I don't know how much I'll use it in decorating the entire house, but it will definitely be in there somewhere. I think purple and yellow would be a great combo for decorating the girls' room, but they like PINK. Pink pink pink! And it's their room, so we go with pink. Green is my other favorite, especially outside. I love it when the outdoors are all green and pretty!

Favorite music: I don't really have an answer to this one. Lately I've been listening to a set of classical CDs that I've had for years, just to have some "background noise" that's not obnoxious. I used to listen to a lot of country pop but haven't stayed caught up with the latest since Adam and I got married, really. I'm willing to take recommendations, so thank you Tawnia and Clarissa for your suggestions on the sisters blog.

Here's a fun question to keep the line going ... who is the most random person to have friended you on Facebook? For me, it's a kid in our current ward who has never actually spoken to me. Seriously, not one single word. I've just let the invite sit so far - I'm not quite sure what to do with it. Also, a couple of people who were in Adam's ward when he was a kid whom I've never met and most likely never will because he's not in contact with them. I didn't accept those.

Did I get them all?

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