Saturday, February 20, 2010

Answers to Mind Boggling Questions

Miracle Whip or Mayo - I thought Miracle Whip was some other product like mustard or ketchup. I don't like it.

Favorite colors: blue and red and green. I like red because it's easy to spell and Evelyn looks good in red especially when I embarrass her. Blue is for the blue sky. After being raised under gray skies I really appreciate seeing blue skies. It's like seeing the stars for the first time- I was in the 6th grade the first time I really noticed the stars. Green: I like the large variety of greens in the great outdoors. I love seeing green in its natural state.

Music: I enjoy stuff out of the forties, elevator music, something in the background to break up the silence. Generally it has a beat. I am not much for songs where I can't understand the words.

I don't look at facebook that much so I can't answer Trina's question.

We have accepted a bid for getting the roof fixed and should have enough to fix the ceiling, too. We'll use our tax return for our trip to the south.

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