Sunday, July 13, 2008

The latest

Hello everyone,

Sorry I haven't written very often. We've been having lots of adventures here on the East Coast. I found one more person on our family tree. The wife of Alpha Gould. Since she's an Ingalls I need to figure out how else she's related.

We were very surprised to see Rich and LuAnn Derr when we went to the temple. They are here on a temple mission. We had dinner with them one night and we're spending the day with them tomorrow. It was wonderful to see them again.

Dad and I enjoyed our visit to Palmyra and saw Kari and her family while we were there. We've been having lots of fun with Summer and Rosemary, of course. Rosemary got two teeth while we were here and didn't fuss at all. Lucky Trina.

I've talked to Cheryl several times, so here's the latest update. She'll be in the hospital for at least another week or two. The surgeon made the mistake of giving her solid foods too soon, so she was put back on total IV for two full weeks. Then they'll start her on liquids and work up from there. She needs our prayers.

Adam needs our prayers, too. He has a very painful hernia and isn't sure if the doctors will operate very soon. They said they'll probably schedule it for another month or two down the road. Meanwhile he's on pain meds, which stop the pain but make him feel like a zombie. He made it to church this morning but Dad took him home right after Sacrament Meeting and he slept until around 4:00.

I need to run eat dinner now so Dad and I can go to a fireside at the temple.

Love you all,

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