Monday, July 07, 2008

art goings on

I added a couple new drawings to my page. And I added a photography section a few weeks back, but hadn't mentioned it. I don't know how often people look at my stuff, but I had mentioned to Mom that I would be putting my latest drawings up, so they are there now.

And I wasn't going to mention anything until it was for sure, but the post would have been so short otherwise. I might be illustrating a book. My friend Aaron's mother owns a little publishing company up in Canada, and wanted me to illustrate a poem that she had written a few years back. I'll do a few trial drawings, to see if that's what she wants, and then we'll go from there. I just found out about it yesterday, finished the current drawing I was on (the colored pencil one of Allison), and tomorrow, when I have the day off, I'll get started and see what I can come up with. Of course, I'll let you all know if I do get the project.


Mandapanda said...

Mindy, I love the photography!! Is that Tawnia knitting reflected in the guitar? Can we get copies of the Joshua art that we don't already have copies of? We'd love that. And that's really cool about the illustrations - I hope you do get published! We are leaving on Saturday, and I don't think we're going to be able to come up there again before we leave, so let us know if you want to come visit us (Joshy) before we go on vacation :c)

Mindy Sebastian said...

Yes, that's Tawnia knitting. It wasn't planned - just sort of happened. And yes, I can get you copies of things. Or you can just pay me for the originals :P You could always print them off yourself, if you want. I can email you bigger images. I wish I could come down and see you before you go, but I've only got one day off, and too much stuff to do. When are you leaving Saturday? I'm going down to Silver Creek, but if you're already gone, I can't stop by!

Mandapanda said...

Send us the images - that'd be great! We're probably leaving super early on Saturday - like 7am or so...cuz we've got a long drive ahead of us to get to Boise. So we will see you when you get back...and celebrate your b-day! Your golden birthday - like mine was too!