Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence, everyone. Happy Birthday, Mom! By the way, if you highlight Nathan's message, you can read the whole thing. But I think it looks funnier this way.

This morning, I went to a breakfast and flag ceremony with Aunt Marli's ward. She wasn't feeling up to going this morning, but I went. A navy captain spoke about the soldiers he'd seen coming from the front in Iraq, and how grateful he felt towards them. Three trumpets played the national anthem. The food was pretty good, too. And it was entertaining watching the teenagers get into a water fight and one girl had a cooled upended over her head.

This evening, Mindy will come over for dinner, and we'll watch the fireworks from Aunt Marli's porch.

In between, I'm listening to some patriotic music from a concert that the SVU choirs and orchestra performed. I enjoyed it so much, I bought the CD. It's music based on the historical novel series "Prelude to Glory," about the American Revolution. Songs include "Yankee Doodle," "The Declaration of Independence," and "The World Turned Upside Down." This helps me to remember that it's not all about fireworks.

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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