Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Keeping Busy

Well, It's been awhile since I've posted on here... but it seems like this little blog gets neglected more and more. So sad.

I am keeping busy. I work and if I'm not at work I'm working on stuff for my other work (ie teaching), or knitting (Summer's blanket is FINALLY half-way done), or playing the guitar (love ya Jared) or hanging out with my friends (My best friend came back from her six weeks in Belgium finally!) I have also started trying to read Les Miserables (the unabridged version) and made it further than I did on my last attempt. And I've been trying new recipes. Like Lemon Pasta and Bruschetta Chicken... both were good. (Look at Trina's recipe blog for both of those recipes.) And then people keep coming into town (or I go to them) to visit. Like right now I'm just waiting for my freshman year roommate Emily to call me so that I can go and see her... and then I'm supposed to go to dinner with Nate'n'Manda and Joshua. Hopefully I will be able to see everyone.

Oh and this morning I watched the Beers 2006 Reunion DVD (thanks Eric) and it made me really excited for our reunion next summer! When exactly is it going to be and I REALLY REALLY hope that everyone is going to at least TRY to be there... I will accept very few excuses for your absence.

Anyway, I'm going to post some pictures of my adventures of late on my other blog so look for them there... (you see if I say here that I'm going to do it, then I HAVE to!)

I love you all and hope that you are all doing well. Responding to this post will make me want to post again.


treen said...

Wait. Eric is handing out copies of the 2006 DVD? WHERE'S MINE?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

or playing the guitar (love ya Jared) love you too

I have also started trying to read Les Miserables (the unabridged version) Is that where that book has ended up now? Eventually someday I'd like it back, but no rush.

When exactly is it going to be and I REALLY REALLY hope that everyone is going to at least TRY to be there... I will accept very few excuses for your absence. There's another reunion next summer? Already?