Thursday, March 12, 2009

Guessing time

Alright everyone. It's time to get in your guesses for:
1. The name,
2. date of birth,
3. time of birth,
4. weight at birth,
5. length at birth,
6. sex at birth,
7. place of birth
for our second child.

The winner gets something really cool. I can't tell you what it is because I don't really know, just know that it is something everyone will want.

Some helpful hints:
1. The due date is April 2nd.
2. On March 4th Amanda was dilated 1 cm.
3. Amanda has been having some painful contractions the past few days.
4. Joshua was born one day after his due date.
5. Nathan is The Best.



Emily said...

1. Henry Lincoln
2. March 17th
3. 3:42 p.m.
4. 7 lbs even
5. 19 inches
6. Male
7. Salem, Oregon

tawngap said...

1. Tobias Graham
2. March 25, 2009
3. 1:59 p.m.
4. 8 lbs 10 oz.
5. 20 inches
6. male
7. Salem, Oregon

Frank and Evelyn said...

1. Guy David
2. Mar 22 2009
3. 6:30 p.m.
4. 7lbs. 10oz.
5. 21 inches
6. male
7. McMinnville Hospital (You'll go into labor while you're visiting at our house.)

Anonymous said...

Alexander Donovan Palmer
April 7
12:22 am
10 lbs 9 oz
19.5 inches
male (just change the name to Alexandra if it's a girl)
Dallas Oregon

treen said...

1. Matthew David
2. April 3
3. high noon
4. 8 lb 1 oz
5. 21 inches
6. boy
7. Salem Oregon

Frank and Evelyn said...

1. It's a girl: Francine (after me) Evelyn. But if it's a boy, Lafayette after the town where Nathan and Amanda met
2. March 24 - so you won't miss church and he has his own birthday
3. 1 p.m. (Mom is not a morning person; Joshy is.)
4. 6 lbs, 8 ounces (He's trying to be nice to Mommy.)
5. 20 inches
6. Gender: male unless it's a girl
7. In a car after being sent home because the hospital didn't think it was time yet.

- Dear Old Dad