Monday, March 09, 2009

Five years, huh?

Yeah, it has been that long, hasn't it? Since that time, I finished at Chemeketa and went on to Southern Virginia. And now I'm trying to make a living as an author. I'm still researching for my book about Devon. On Thursday, I visited the hospitals with his mom, so that I can describe them.

This weekend was filled with trips to and from Salem (since Amanda needed some extra help). I beat Mom and Amanda at a round of Boggle. And that wasn't even the round where I got the six-letter word (steers). There were only three vowels, all in one corner, and Mom and Amanda had to cross off all their words. That left me with one word -- elk. I won. But after the third round, I went back to my typically low scores.

Sunday, I was teaching Primary. The time was longer than usual and the lesson didn't have a lot beyond some discussions, so I ended up spending ten minutes telling an overdramatic version of the story of Alma the Younger. (The lesson was on repentance.) Then I looked up ideas for Achievement Days (my other calling). And we went to a baptism that evening, one of the little girls from the ward. It was very sweet.

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