Thursday, March 19, 2009

Clarissa's big news

I'm going to BYU-I. I'm not sure exactly when but I'm going. I'll tell you more when I know.

Love Clarissa


Mindy Sebastian said...

Hooray!!! That's so awesome! You'll love the school - it is an amazing place. It's big enough to fit everyone, but not so big that you can't get across it. Unless you are in one of the newer buildings at the top of the hill. Oh yeah - the whole thing is on a hill. Don't lose those walking skills .. you'll do that a lot! Oh I'm excited! I hope you start this fall so you can be my roommate, but even if you don't, I'll be sure to hang out with you anyway :)

Eric said...

Congratulations Clarissa! I'm sure you'll do awesomely. Don't worry about Mindy's comment about the hill. It's a gentle hill, not like that monster set of stairs at the bottom of BYU Provo's campus. But she would know... especially with all the "new" buildings leading up to the temple. Oh, it's a beautiful place, and now with a temple too. Great teachers, an amazing president, beautiful buildings and grounds, all kinds of fun and learning and spiritual growth. Do it all! Take advantage of being there! Get involved! Oh man, I wish I was going to BYU Idaho... Good luck and keep us posted!