Friday, February 13, 2009

My Project

For those of you who have noticed my note on Facebook (that should include everyone who looks at this blog), you read that I'm writing a non-fiction book on Devon Rivers. This is my first attempt at writing non-fiction, so I'm a bit nervous. Still, I've figured out the simple steps I need to follow.

1. Collect information. (I just spent nearly three days listening to Carla ramble. It's a start.)
2. Organize the information. (This will take a lot of work.)
3. Collect more information to fill in any gaps I missed, clarify details, look at it from a different point of view, and so on.
4. Make a readable manuscript.
5. Make a publishable manuscript.
6. Sell manuscript.

I estimate each will take upwards of a month to complete.


tawngap said...

you might want to explain who Devon Rivers is, and why you are doing this project. I know I've heard some of his story, but I don't think any of the other older siblings have a clue. Or maybe I'm wrong and they are best friends with him.

Emily said...

In 2004, Devon got sick and went into a coma. He didn't wake up for nearly two years, and the doctors never figured out why. It can only be described as a miracle. The Rivers live in Yamhill. I'm the youngest boy's Primary teacher right now.