Friday, February 13, 2009

ha. ha hahahahah ...

So Adam is back from Vicksburg, and still doesn't have a job offer. The circular nature that is the hiring process for the Army Corps of Engineers is thus ... he interviewed with the DC main attorney's office (General Counsel). They liked him and "highly recommended" him to the Vicksburg District office. He went to Vicksburg and interviewed yesterday there - Henry, the Chief Counsel for that office (the boss), was basically within 10 feet of him for the entire 4 1/2 hours he was there. Henry showed Adam around the office, introduced him to a lot of people, discussed projects and work responsibilities and training things that Henry wants to send Adam to. Everything except actually make the official offer because now Adam's application has to wend its way through Human Resources and back to the DC office. Then the DC office makes the final decision, and since they're the ones who recommended Adam to Vicksburg in the first place, that seems rather arbitrary. But there you go. We will get the official offer from the DC office.

So we wait. For 1 to 2 more weeks. And then Henry would like Adam down there about 2 weeks after that. So yeah. When I said this move was going to turn on a dime, I didn't realize how extreme that actually would be. My friend Debi described her adoption process as "like being shot out of a cannon" from the time they got the phone call telling them there was a baby for them to when they were on a plane. I think that phrase is going to apply here.

Target date to leave DC: Tuesday March 10 (because I just schedule Marnie's doctor checkup for March 9 in the afternoon.)

Target date for Adam to start work: Monday March 16.

And the official verdict as of today is - nothing is official.

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