Saturday, August 23, 2008

lots and lots of driving

Only one more week left of work. Six more days (counting today), and then I'm done! I can feel it. I'm mentally already checked out of there, which probably isn't good, because it is this next week that we're expecting the most business. Back to school. I wish them luck after I am gone, but it's time for me to go. My last day is next Saturday. Anybody need shoes between now and then? I'm not sure if I'm transferring to the Rexburg store (because if they don't need anyone, they won't take me), so this might be the end of my buying lots and lots of shoes. Anyway, it was a good job, and I was good at it, and now I have plenty of experience in the retail world.

So I'm driving to Rexburg on Monday, September 1st. At this point I'll probably have a passenger or two, but I'm not sure what's going on with that. I don't have enough room for everyone's stuff, so Deb is driving and taking Amber, because she can't move in until later in the week. But Sarah wants to go early, but isn't sure she wants to go THAT early. And then another girl from the ward, Vanessa, needs to get to Rexburg too. So I'll possibly take people, and Deb will take whatever stuff doesn't fit in my car. It'll be easier if I take one person, just so we can fill the ENTIRE back seat, instead of one poor soul getting squished back there. I don't mind, either way, because I'm going to be driving the entire time.

After getting to Rexburg, I'll unpack and get a few things done on campus - like talking to a counselor about what exactly I have left to graduate, getting my student ID, and getting my previous student loans deffered. And then I'm driving to Canada. Yes, you read that right, Canada. I'm daring to set foot in that country once again. If you might recall, a boy named Aaron lives there, in Calgary. I wouldn't just up and decide to spend another ten hours in the car on a whim, especially when Tawnia is six hours closer, but Aaron is getting baptized! When the missionaries originally asked him to do it, they said the 30th of August, but I mentioned that if he waited just one week, I could work it out and be there. If I hadn't been able to be there, well, I would have been sad to miss it, but he would still be getting baptized. Hooray! So I'm driving up there Wednesday, and spending the rest of the week with him. The big day for him is Saturday, with the confirmation on Sunday (since that's what they do these days, right?), and then I'll drive home immediately after sacrament meeting, to make it back to Rexburg in time to crash out in bed, and go to my first day of classes the next morning. And, of course, Monday is my long day. It'll be worth it though.

And, to state it officially I guess, Aaron is my boyfriend. I know I know, ANOTHER long distance relationship, ANOTHER Canadian. It isn't like I do this on purpose! But he's wonderful, and I love him, and he loves me. And he's a heck of a lot better than the previous Canadians. Promise.


treen said...

Howz about you get THIS Canadian to move to the US instead of the other way around, eh?

Mindy Sebastian said...

Honestly, I didn't mind the moving to Canada, and the living in Canada. It was that I was STUCK in Canada and I couldn't do anything. If it comes to the point of moving one way or another, I'd be willing to move back, BUT we would actually get the paperwork done so the two problems from last time wouldn't be problems. That, and if one person has to be stuck not working for a little while, due to paperwork, I'd rather it be me than him, since he's supposed to support me, right?

Anonymous said...

That, and if one person has to be stuck not working for a little while, due to paperwork, I'd rather it be me than him, since he's supposed to support me, right?

Okay, this line I have a problem with. You want to date another Canadian, fine. Not my business. But if you'd rather move there instead of him coming to the US just because the MAN is supposed to support the WOMAN... I don't think so. Don't repress yourself. Work if you want to work. Stay at home if you want to stay at home. Don't make huge decisions like that just because you think that's the way it's supposed to be.

You are supposed to be happy. That's it. Oh, and guess what! Even the Church does NOT teach that the man is supposed to support the woman. Even the Church says you should prayerfully make that decision for yourself.

Women aren't repressed anymore. Don't repress yourself.

Mindy Sebastian said...

The church does say that a woman should focus on raising the family.

But really, moving to Canada feels like the right direction to go, if it gets to that. I'm finishing school before anything happens anyway.

Don't worry, I'm happy.

treen said...

If you miss the reunion next summer, you're dead meat. That's all I have to say about that. Love, Me.

Mindy Sebastian said...

Of course I'm coming to the reunion! I want to see all the babies as much as anyone else does.

Besides if I marry Aaron, it wouldn't be able to happen until at least September of next year anyway. And if you didn't notice, I said nothing would happen until AFTER I am finished with school - most likely the end of 2010.

Anonymous said...

Isn't all this talk of marriage a bit premature anyway? Having a boyfriend does not mean you're getting married.

The church does say that a woman should focus on raising the family.


Michelle and I were discussing this last night after I told her about this post. We re-read the Proclamation: "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children."

Did you stop reading at this point? Read the rest: "In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed."

Equal partners. It never says the husband earns the money, it says provides the necessities of life and protection.

Our first concern here as that you seem to be viewing marriage from a skewed perspective. There is NOT a defined "who-does-what" formula for marriage. I don't know any of the details of what went wrong with your first marriage, but judging from your comments here, I think you've got some bad misconceptions of what marriage is. It is not two people making each other happy. It is not a man working and a woman raising their children. It is two people who live together and who are committed to love each other, though they often fall short of the mark.

Yeah, alot of women do stay at home while their husbands work. Michelle does, and Trina does. But neither of them are doing it because the Church says to, because the Church DOES NOT teach that. If someone at Church is telling you that, tell them to pull their head out of 1950 and pay attention to what the church leader are actually saying. Michelle and Trina each made their decision to stay at home prayerfully, and most important personally. Other women choose to continue working, or even support their husband while HE cares for the children. And there is nothing wrong with that. They do what is right for them.

If you choose to be a homemaker, let it be because that's what you love to do. But if you'd really be happy to sell shoes, or teach, or paint, or weld steel girders, then don't stay home just because you've been MISINFORMED about what the Church teaches.