Thursday, August 21, 2008


The posts Tawnia and I put up on Monday relatively early in the day haven't even gotten comments, let alone actually starting a conversation here. That's really disappointing.

Pictures from my beach trip are now on my personal blog.


Frank and Evelyn said...

Sorry, I really have no excuse. I read both of your posts and enjoyed them very much. I think I'm spending too much time watching the Olympics. I'll volunteer for the FHE lesson this week because I'll be busier the next few weeks. We're going to a ward campout at the beach Friday and Saturday so I'll have to do it Sunday.

Eric said...

I have an excuse! I had a very busy week at work, got very little sleep between Tuesday and Thursday, and tried to maximize my time with the kids when I wasn't working. (Last week I was watching the Olympics.)

But don't worry, more posts (nice ones) from me are coming.

Besides, you and Tawnia put up a week's worth of reading material in two posts. Give us a chance to digest!