Thursday, June 03, 2010

Emily's Adventures

These probably aren't as exciting as your adventures, but here you go.

I get up and I work on my writing. A couple weeks ago I decided to follow Card's favorite advice to me: "Go back and start over." I've already changed the rescue scene, one character's background, and the entire plot exposition bit. Instead of telling a legend, there's a dream-vision sequence.

Then I go to work. Mop floors, clean toilets. The Mikkelsons have been getting me home, and they're good about getting on time. Except for the first night . . . Good thing I had a really good book. I'm currently reading "The Talismans of Shannara." I like an epic fantasy adventure, and Terry Brooks writes pretty exciting battle scenes.

The best adventure was when Nathan brought the boys over on Saturday. Henry's starting to crawl and get into things, though this doesn't make Joshy very happy. We had cheeseburgers and root beer floats, and we took the boys outside for a while.

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