Monday, June 01, 2009

reunion and Christmas

Well, Aaron was planning on coming to the reunion, really. But then he just got the dates for HIS family's reunion. They are at the same time. He's not going to that one either though. It's also the same weekend as a golf tournament .. which wouldn't be a big deal except that he works at the golf course that hosts it, so it's the busiest weekend of the season. No way is he going to get out of it. Sorry to all those who haven't met him yet - you'll just have to wait for December.

Speaking of December - I just got an email confirmation from Lindsay Zook. Looks like we're getting family portraits done on December 26th! Merry Christmas from me! That means we all better be there and looking good. I'm really quite excited for it, along with the pictures of just me and Aaron that we'll take later that day.

In other news, I just got 92% on the bubble-sheet portion of my cooking midterm. Hooray for me! And time to hurry to typography class so I'm not late.


Skippy said...

I don't know if we can be there on the 26th or not. I thought that was part of the reason why you moved the wedding day to the 29th.

Mindy Sebastian said...

My idea would be that you head up to do your Washington stuff for BEFORE Christmas .. and then come back for the after Christmas down in Oregon.