Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A favor

Please do us a favor and post your requests here.  They'll drop out of sight much quicker on facebook, than they will on here.

As for the items that have thus far been requested - I'm not sure I want to give up the piano yet.  It depends on whether there is room for it or not.  Also, Nathan, the white lamp will probably continue to hang in our room after we move so you'll have to wait a little longer for it to be yours.  Mindy, I'm sorry, but I promised the nativity to Clarissa years ago.  I made that decision right after I got it because she loved it so much. But I may keep it for a while yet.  I'll see what I want to take with us because we'll have an apartment so I'll need some kitchen stuff and some furniture, though we'll have way more of both than we need.  I'm pretty sure that all of the toys were either brought inside or given away.  I actually have two sewing machines.  I'm going to see what it will cost to fix the Bernina.  I've had that machine since 1970.   Any items you left behind that were yours - just let us know if you want them. like Trina said - maybe we'll even find the flute.

If anyone has a VHS player we'll be getting rid of all our purchased tapes and we're putting the videos we made onto DVD as quickly as we can.  I don't think I'll have room for all of the photo albums so we'll be scanning them and you can divide the originals and negatives however you want.  We'll choose the books we want to keep and get rid of the rest.

One thing I don't want to have is stacks of boxes of things I'm keeping that just sit in storage forever.  That's just silly.  I think I've got my work cut out for me for the next year or so.  Lots of things to go through and decisions to make.  I'll welcome the help when any of you come home.

I guess that's enough for tonight.

Love ya,

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