Thursday, October 06, 2011

for the record

Just so you all know, I'm holding Emily, Eric, and Amanda responsible for Tenley coming so LATE! Yes, coming at 40 weeks is LATE! Everyone else guessed the last week of September, and those 3 put their guesses for right up against the due date. Punks, all 3 of you.

I really really really do not want to be induced - when I was induced with Jenna, the stupid epidural did absolutely nothing to ease off the trauma of the pitocin and having my water broken for me. I'd actually kind of like to try to have this baby naturally, since I had ineffective pain killers with Jenna and also got stabbed in my back multiple times because the anesthesiologist didn't get the stent in with one attempt. Natural childbirth isn't going to be much worse than Jenna's birth, if it does surpass it in the first place.

Anyway, this week I've been doing much better with my energy level and fewer contractions and all. All the physical gear-up for labor has totally backed off. SIGH. At least I feel better. The latest discussion with my doctor was that he'll induce me whenever I want - he originally suggested this week. The final decision is that we'll let Tenley go all the way to 40 weeks to see if she comes on her own because that's what I'd prefer, and probably induce on the 17th if she doesn't because then all the age-bracket risks start to jump. I'm comfortable with that time frame. But I still really hope she comes before then, except NOT on the 8th because that's Marnie's birthday.

(Recommendation to all the sisters and sisters-in-law - obviously you need to discuss/decide this with your husband and the Lord. But my advice is to have as many of your children as possible and maybe even be done before you're 35. The minute you turn 35, obstetricians get REALLY paranoid and want to subject you to all kinds of extra tests and monitoring when pregnant. It's really obnoxious.)


tawngap said...

Only problem with me having all my kids before 35.... I'd have to get married RIGHT NOW, get pregnant on my wedding night and have multiples.... so if I am going to have more than one child, or any for that matter... it will NOT be before I turn 35. The biggest problem being the fact that my freaking husband has yet to make an appearance in my life. The other option being that I go get myself impregnated and skip the husband part completely, but I don't think anyone really wants me to do that.

treen said...

Yeah, there is that. And there's also the fact that Adam and I are not done having children - there's at least one more, maybe two. So I'm not following my own advice either - I'll be into my 40s before I'm done (which is not a particularly happy thought for me, honestly). That's why I put the qualifier on it of deciding with the husband and Lord about when/how many (plus, there's the fact that Elder Andersen just said that very thing in General Conference). Mainly, this was meant to be a head's up for Amanda, Mindy, etc. ... because I was kind of ticked about the whole thing that day. Pressure pressure pressure! I'm really dreading the idea of being induced again, but every day gets me closer to that. UGH!

Eric said...

Trina - I think that's especially true is MS, where the grandmothers are your age, right? :-)

Also, while I take no blame for when Tenley was born, I would like to know when I can expect my prize.