Sunday, May 22, 2011

reunion challenges

Here's the Caudle update for the reunion challenges -

Read the entire Book of Mormon: Adam has completed it himself so he gets the prize. We started reading it as a family and we do read EVERY DAY but there's no way we're going to finish before the reunion. We get through only about 10 verses at a time and we're in Alma 10 or 11 as of today. Well, we're trying! I'm not reading the Book of Mormon for my personal reading because I'm still working through the Old Testament (and wow, is it ever WORK to read the Old Testament!), and I'm teaching Sunday School out of the New Testament right now. My brain can do only so much lately.

Memorize the Family Proclamation: Adam has been working on this as well and is almost done. I should do it - I'm a question mark.

Family food storage/emergency supplies: my challenge ... is anyone doing this? I'll keep the prize all to myself, if no one is! Adam found a news article the other day that the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has recently released information on "what to do in case of a zombie attack." No kidding! It said in the article that it's so "interesting" that preparing for a zombie attack is just the same as preparing for a hurricane or an earthquake. Imagine that! Very funny PR campaign and a good way to get people's attention when normally they just tune out - "yeah yeah get ready for a hurricane." But getting ready for ZOMBIES! Totally different!

Jared's video challenge: Tawnia did our filming when she was here in March. I think she missed one of them but five out of six ain't bad! I just have no idea if the video clips actually made it to Jared. Tawnia, did you send them to him? I know they're in my computer somewhere, but I have no idea how to access them or send them to Jared if I knew where they were. Can you please give him the clips? Thanks!

Did I miss anything?

1 comment:

treen said...

Mom - What was the prize? - SMC