Thursday, April 01, 2010

this is (hopefully) the month

No April foolin' - I'm really hoping this baby does not wait until May to make the Grand Entrance. Like I said on my personal blog, the doctor said on Monday that her head is in a good position but not engaged yet. No dilation yet - that would be too soon if it was happening, since I'm still 5 weeks from the actual due date. Adam's "watermelon test" is just about there - yes, he really taps on my stomach and listens to the sound like you do with a watermelon to check for ripeness. I still have plenty of things to do to keep me occupied for the next 3-4 weeks - it's just becoming more difficult to actually DO those things.

Anyway, I am now taking submissions to guess the birthdate and whatever other guesses you want to list. I'll copy Nathan and Amanda's prize - whoever is closest will get the first phone call after she's born. My guess (hope, dream, wish, prayer ...) is April 22 - 3 weeks from today. 


Mindy Sebastian said...

Aaron says that the baby will be born on the evening of April 29th. Guessing around 6lbs 7oz. He's not convinced that she'll be named Jenna - doesn't seem to go with the other girls' names.

He asked me good questions though - how big were the other girls? How early/late were they? Important information for a more accurate guess.

I'll guess the afternoon of the 26th, weighing in at 7lbs even. I don't have a better idea than Jenna (unless you really did want to go with Purplicious), because I don't know what else you were considering.

treen said...

Well, it's the same with Jenna as it was with Summer and Rosemary. We don't choose the first name. It just comes to us.

Summer was "on time"/2 days late - I went into labor at 11 pm on the due date (Sunday), and she was born at 9 am, 36 hours later (Tuesday). Rosemary was born almost 3 weeks early.

And for the weight - Summer and Rosemary were both in the 6 pound range, but Jenna is already measuring to be larger. She was at 4 pounds with 2 months to go, and I think Summer and Rosemary were both around 3 pounds at that stage.

Does that help?

Skippy said...

what about the actual due date?

I will say May 1 at 5 am. She will weigh 7 pounds 8 ounces and be 19 inches long. The name that hasn't come to you yet (but is right now) is Aurora (which means dawn) because she will be born in the morning.

Frank and Evelyn said...

Jenna will be born Apr 30th at 3:15 in the afternoon and will weigh 7pounds 8 ounces.

Emily said...

My guess is that the baby will be born on May 9. 7 lbs 10 ounces, 20 inches long. Will be called Purple (not named that, of course, just called Purple).

Mindy Sebastian said...

Aaron and I have taken some time to come up with more names for you. We tossed around a few like Olivia, Leslie, Willow and Beth, but our favorite is Violet Jane Caudle. It has an old-fashioned sound, like Summer and Rosemary do, and goes along with that "Purplicous" theme without being ridiculous. Say it out loud a handful of times, and along with the other names. Summer, Rosemary, Violet. In the end it's obviously up to you, but here's a suggestion anyway.

treen said...

Where, just out of curiosity, did you come up with this list?

Aurora - no because it's from Sleeping Beauty
Olivia - no because it's too popular right now. I don't hear it so much in Vicksburg, but it's all over DC.
Leslie - really? Eh. No.
Willow - have you heard of Sarah Palin? Do you know how we feel about Sarah Palin? Heck no!
Beth - we know a very wonderful person with this name, and a not-so-wonderful person also with this name. Hence Elizabeth as the middle name - in honor of the person we like. (We're ignoring the person we don't.)
Violet - very clever thinking with the Purplicious thing from Summer ... but no because it's a character on The Incredibles, which is watched just as frequently as Sleeping Beauty around here.
Jane - ??? The middle names are something of significance, and the name Jane doesn't mean anything to us. So nope.

Really, it's Jenna. If it's a boy, it's Michael. No changing. You asked what else we considered - nothing. There were no other options.

But I'll be waiting for an Aurora Palmer and a Violet Jane Sebastian!

Frank and Evelyn said...

Dad says she'll come on May 2nd after church. You'll go into labor during YW and they'll watch the kids while you go off to the hospital. She'll weigh 8 pounds even. Now for the name: "You get to name your own children just so long as they call me Grandpa." She'll be a film star at less than a month in the FFF production The Adventures of Captain Chaos.

Anonymous said...

April 18 in the early afternoon.

treen said...

May 9 is right out! If we even get to May 7 (the actual due date) in the first place, I'm sending the doctor in to MAKE her come out. In fact, she's starting to make me so uncomfortable that I could probably get him to induce a little bit early if it comes to that. I reeeeeally want an April baby - not waiting until May again.

Amanda Palmer said...

Let's see...April 28th at 3:45pm. 7lbs 1oz 20.5 in. I think she'll have brown eyes and kind of long brown hair - c'mon Adam - gotta get some more brown-eyed babies into this family!! Oh wait...well she won't have brown eyes right you'll have to wait on that one. But I think she'll have dark hair.

Adam said...

Apparently I can't get anything right when it comes to kids. I'm brown hair and brown eyed, both dominant traits. And both of my girls are blond and blue. And it's also my fault for not producing a boy. I just can't get it right, can I.