Sunday, April 04, 2010

My Testimony for My Children and Grandchildren

As I was listening to the final session of conference and heard the remark that parents should bare their testimonies to their children I felt the need to do that. Even though the comment was made to parents of youth I felt it applied to me, too.

I want you all to know that I have a testimony of Jesus Christ. I know that he lives, that he is my personal Savior, that he loves me and each of you. I loved the comment that every individual is a VIP in our Heavenly Father's eyes. I know that Christ visited the people on this hemisphere and shared his gospel with them and that he restored his church to the earth in these days through Joseph Smith. I know that the way you can know these things is to study ponder and pray. As one of the speakers said - archealogy or even miracles can't give you a testimony - it comes through the witness of the Holy Ghost and that only comes from our seeking and asking.

I hope you will each take the time to reread the talks and apply them in your lives. One of the things I heard over and over was the importance of families and of teaching our little ones, even as infants they can feel the spirit through scriptures and prayer. We also need to set our standards high as an example for our children. They are so precious and special.

I know I can do better at studying the scriptures, using my time wisely, serving others and in lots of other ways. May we all work together to be a foreer family. I love you all so much.


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