Thursday, April 01, 2010

The front page

Have you noticed this about the headlines on the front page? Except for Salem and Lafayette, none of the other locations are current! Funny. And Nathan/Amanda will be moving before too long (right?). I'm not mad about this, I just think it's interesting how much we've moved around recently.


Mindy Sebastian said...

I had noticed. Quite a while ago. It's so out of date that Rexburg never made the list, and I was there September 2008. That was also after Emily had left Virgina.

So let's see .. now we'd have:
Lafayette, Oregon
Vickburg, Mississippi
Williamsburg, Virigina
Hurst, Texas
Salem, Oregon
Calgary, Alberta

Salem could be changing soon, and Tawnia will add a new city in Utah in the next few months too.

Skippy said...

I hadn't noticed. Interesting how everyone is still moving around.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's been quite a while since I've updated it. Maybe eventually I will. Not today, though.