Sunday, August 09, 2009

blogging marathon

I just put up the last post from our vacation on my personal blog. (Eric, did you ever get your account figured out to get in there?) I also put vacation pictures on Facebook, since my blog is private with a very limited number of viewers.

I don't know who all is reading my politics blog these days, but I've been posting about the health care stuff. Not that I like health care, and not that I'm particularly interested in it. Because I'm not. I am interested, however, in not having Congress and the President entirely crush what's left of the economy before it has a chance to get back on solid ground. So I'm absolutely opposed because of the cost. We can discuss the merits of government-run health care and whether it's a right or a commodity some other time.

The recipe blog has suffered from a lack of attention because I haven't been cooking for about a month now. Adam has cooked dinner every night since we got back from our trip because I'm braindead and just don't come up with any ideas of what to cook. I need to get back into that.

And I posted on the sisters' blog earlier in the week because I finished 2 more things on my Top 100 list. Hooray! And I've got 3 more that I will finish by the end of next month.

Sorry if that's too much for you all to read right now, with Eric and Jared both in the middle of moving and everyone else in Oregon for the reunion. (Wish we were there with you!) But maybe you can go through all the pictures together or something, and someone do me a favor and find out what Sid thinks of the health care stuff. I'm curious to know if he's a doctor who wants this kind of reform, or if not, what his other ideas are.

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

I enjoyed hearing all of your adventures. It's great that you all got to go.