Wednesday, April 08, 2009

cell phone plans

(If anyone saw the original post I put up 30 minutes ago, ignore it, and read this one instead.)

I'm returning to Idaho next Thursday, the 16th, since school starts on the 20th. With the return to the states, it's time to pick up a cell phone! I looked all over the internet at plans from Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile. And I'm going to go with the T-Mobile because they're the only ones with plans that don't require a 2-year contract (since I'm planning on returning to Canada the middle of next year). The biggest difference between the month-to-month and a contract is that I have to pay full price for my phone. So I'll pay the $60 for one that I found/like, and save $140 on the $200 cancellation fee (for breaking a contract). And I like the idea of not being tied down.

So I'll have the Fav5 plan - 5 phone numbers on any network that I can call whenever I want and talk for as long as I want. I know I'll talk mostly to my family, so I want to give you guys first dibs on my five slots! I also don't want to add anyone's cell phone if you are picky about your minutes. I know that Tawnia also has the Fav5 plan, so she'll just add me and we'll talk whenever. I'll probably add the house phone for Mom and Dad, instead of either of the cell phones. I know Nathan and Amanda have a house phone to call (cuz I miss hearing Joshua!), and I know that at this point Trina does NOT have a house phone. I will have unlimited nights (after 9pm) and weekends though, so I won't be cut off from anyone. So let me know what you think, and I'll be up and talking next week!

1 comment:

Amanda Palmer said...

Hey Mindy! our home phone doesn't have speaker phone, so you should add my cell phone so you can talk to joshy!