Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Christmas exchanges

Continuing with the Christmas exchanges? I love the book exchange for the kids and want to keep going with that, but I'm at a bit of a loss thinking of anything for the sibling exchange. Honestly, I really don't need or want much of anything ... so I'm not sure how to go about suggesting anything. Thoughts?

I have the names ready for the kids exchange. (Mindy, can't wait to add you to the list next year on this!) I'll do another post for the siblings when it gets figured out.

Summer --> Joshy
Rosemary --> Brooke
Jenna --> Emma

Stevie --> Summer
Allie --> Rosemary

Brooke --> Allie
Bryan --> Henry
Emma --> Jenna

Joshy --> Stevie
Henry --> Bryan


tawngap said...

Wait? Did I miss some sort of announcement???

Mindy Sebastian said...

No. You didn't. But we're planning on getting pregnant within the next little while, so chances are high that we'll have a baby by next Christmas.