Saturday, August 07, 2010

A day at the beach

First of all, congratulations and good luck to Jared on his new job.

Now, my biggest adventure of the summer. First of all today, we went out to see the house that Uncle Gary is buying in Wilhelmina. It's got a fair amount of land, though some of it is right next to the creek (I actually think the property line is in the creek).

We headed out to the coast then. On the way, Aunt Karen said, "Look, three deer!" Uncle Gray immediately said, "Free beer?"

We went to the beach and spent an hour walking. It was overcast and a little foggy there, but not too bad. Aunt Karen looked for rocks with holes worn in them and found quite a few.

After a quick fast food lunch, we drove down to Salem. Nathan and Amanda had their hands full with some major leaking, so we kept an eye on the boys. We barbecued steaks for dinner. And afterward, we played on the Wii. I did pretty good at the free-throwing game, but Aunt Karen stomped everyone at bowling.

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