Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Hey family .. put up some new pictures on my page. I'm still not 100% updated, but close. There's mostly new stuff in the colored pencil section (although it was from this winter) and several new things in the watercolor section from class assignments.

I'm almost done with classes, just two weeks left. Staying busy with all the homework and projects and studying for tests, but getting very excited to see Aaron again. I'll head up there right after my last class around noon on the 23rd, and then I'll see lots of you at the reunion a few weeks later! We're still working out the details but Aaron might be coming too! He's very excited and is looking forward to meeting more family.

174 days until the wedding.

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

Thanks, I enjoyed the new artwork and I'm looking forward to seeing you and hopefully Aaron, too.