So the Spori Gallery does a variety of shows. The last one was of faculty art, and the next one (opening tonight) is the student show. Anyone could submit up to four pieces. And I figured, what the heck. The worst they can say is no. So I submitted four .. and THREE got in! Hooray! I'm very excited. Too bad I can't actually go to the opening, because I have to go to a dance class, but I'll skip out on it early, and go see. I'm not sure if I actually won money (I would love to just break even, to pay for all the framing), and I don't know when I find out, but I'm just happy to see them hanging up in there! The show runs from today until November 14th, so if anyone happens to be in the Rexburg area, you are encouraged to stop by!
And the three pieces are:
That is awesome, Mindy. You know if the picture of Joshua wins anything the money goes to Joshua for royalties. What was the other piece that didn't get accepted? It wasn't of one of Eric's kids was it? Probably, huh?
Actually, the other piece was my origami reindeer. And nothing won money .. sad. Joshua did get honorable mention though, in the drawing category.
I remember the Spori gallery ... is the journalism office still on the first floor of that building? It was when I was there, so I walked through the gallery LOTS of times.
When are you going to do a drawing of Marnie? You still haven't done ANY that I know of. You playin' favorites? Grrrrr!
Don't forget Trina: The Spori you knew was destroyed several years ago. The gallery she's showing in is even cooler than the one you walked through. And bigger. Just so you know.
Oh, and congrats Mindy!
Really? I never knew that. Bummer - it was a really pretty building. That's too bad that they destroyed it and started over, instead of just renovating the one that was already there.
It was super old and falling down. They had to start over. When I was here in 2001, I had to go down to Main Street to take my art classes, because it was just a hole in the ground. It's quite a nice building now, and still very pretty.
Yeah, they basically made it to look like the original Spori on the outside... but it is definitely different on the inside, and it probably isn't haunted anymore. (Did any of you hear the rumors about the Spori being haunted when you were there?)
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